- Excessive overworked and die? 过度劳累而死亡?
- The reason that causes female frigidity is very much, the metropolis such as excessive overworked and disease affects the person's sexual desire. 造成女性性冷淡的原因很多,过度劳累和疾病等都会影响到人的性欲。
- To having the old person of hypertrophy of the prostate, want to notice to maintain defecate unobstructed, avoid excessive overworked and acuteness activity. 对患有前列腺肥大的老人,要注意保持大便通畅,避免过度劳累和剧烈活动。
- Nurses are overworked and underpaid. 护士的工作过重而报酬过低。
- He took sick and died a week later. 他得了病,一周后就死去了。
- Nurses complain of being overworked and underpaid. 护士们抱怨工作过重、报酬过低。
- He is played out by overwork and worry. 他因过分劳累和焦虑而精疲力竭。
- He collapse in the street and die on the way to hospital. 他在大街上晕倒,在送往医院途中死去。
- John: I overworked and overslept myself. 约翰 : 我工作过度而睡过头了。
- In times like this he finds his complacency sicken and die in him. 每当这样的时候,他就发现他心里的满足感枯萎并逝去了。
- The plant was starved of light and died. 这株植物因为极度缺乏光照而死了。
- You dry up and die in quest of a proof so obscure. 为了寻求一个如此渺茫的证据,你心尽力竭,一死了之。
- What with overwork and under-nourishment he fell ill. 由于过劳,加上营养不足,他病倒了。
- But the family thinks is to decorate what excessive overworked creates the room, did not care about. 但一家人都以为是装修房子过度劳累造成的,没有在意。
- He overdosed (on sleeping-pills) and died. 他服用安眠药过量致死。
- He was injured greatly and died hard. 他受伤极重,在挣扎中死去。
- Overtaxed, overworked and paid off with a knife, a club or a rope. 人民苛捐杂税,超负荷的工作所得到的报酬就是大刀,棍棒加套索!
- I should fall down and die in the woods. 我宁可倒下来死在森林里了。
- To say we are overworked and underpaid is an understatement. 说我们工作过度、收入不足还只是含蓄的说法。
- Slightly: Then she must stay here and die. 所以她必须留在这里然后死去.